The NDIS/SDA funding is a national initiative but new to Queensland which started in 2019.
The NDIS backstory: The UN: The rights of persons with disabilities.
The Australian Government was one of the first countries in the world to be a signatory of the ‘UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’. The Federal Government via the $23b NDIS SDA program have committed $700,000,000.00 annually for the next 20 years through directing substantial ‘rental assistance’ to generously compensate ‘SDA investors’ who specifically invest in compliant homes to drastically increase suitable housing supply.
What is the NDIS / SDA?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a Federal Act developed in 2013 to allow people with a disability to exercise choice and control about matters that affect them- such as their housing. ‘SDA’ (Specialist Disability Accommodation) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions – not readily available in the traditional Australian rental market. As of January 2019, SDA funding has been rolling out in Queensland.
Massive undersupply:
Studies in 2018 found there is a major shortfall of disability accommodation throughout Australia requiring a 60% increase in the number of homes available. Currently, as well as the estimated 28,000 Australians with a disability that the NDIS has identified as living in inappropriate accommodation, the NDIS/SDA identifies 6,000 + young Australian’s who are currently living in aged care facilities due to a lack of housing options and this number is increasing by 50 young Australians each week. We also have no figure on the number of young people living at home and being cared for by families but believe that this could also be a significant number. Our delivery team have worked hard since 2019 to bring this opportunity together for property investors. Our SDA HOMES are designed to meet the very in demand ‘High Physical Needs’ NDIS/SDA homes.
SDA HOMES: Fully Accessible certified home.
Three bedroom plus carer home, or a 4 bedroom plus Carer will gross’s close to 16%pa and 14% net depending on land price.

Fully Accessible Total package prices vary from $580,000 to approximately $750,000 depending on location. A three bedroom plus Carer will receive gross incomes of upwards of $100,000 pa ($2,000.00pw) comprising $35,000+ from the Commonwealth for3 NDIS/SDA funded residents along with a portion of the SDA tenants pension. The Carer resides in their own private adjoining accommodation under the same roof to readily care for 3 disabled residents.
Enquire today to receive your full information pack on the NDIS property investment opportunity.